
Because we just finished an OHS cycle, we thought it might be a good time to test the benchmark workout, Nancy. It was also a beautiful day to run outside! How did it go?
Tonight, Donette (who did it RX) was brought to the finish line by her peers in the 5pm class. It was a touching example of JUST how special a community is to our success and our accomplishments in the gym. Regardless of time or score… you are a Hero because of your EFFORT… and deserving of the heartfelt support you receive from YOUR community along the way!!!

Workout (for 4/30):
3 Rounds:
(15 Minutes)
10 Strict (Weighted) Pull Ups
:75 Row @ 90%
Rest :90
3 Minute Rest
3 Rounds: (15 Minutes)
10 BB Bench Press
:75 Row @ 90%
Rest :90