Mothers and Daughters

We are fortunate to have many "Mother/Daughter" combos at our gym. How many can you name?
Here is one: Steph and Jenna Luck

We are hosting another Olympic lifting seminar put on by Strength Specific Seminars on November 1st. We learned a TON from these guys last time they were here. You have until October 1st to get "early registration" which is 10% off. Use the drop down menu under "Silver Level Seminars" to register.


Part 1: row/burpee challenge - A team of two rows 500 meters as a team for time, each rowing 250 meters. Whichever partner is on the rower can only perform one pull per burpee that their partner completes.

Part 2: 20 minute partner AMRAP - One partner works at a time completing rounds of: 3 bench press (95/155#), 6 kettle bell sumo deadlift high pulls (35/53#), and 9 wall balls. During the first 10 minutes each partner must complete 3 rounds of the AMRAP before switching with their partner.  The other partner must complete 1 rope climb prior to each switch.  After 10 minutes, partners can choose how many rounds to complete before switching (1,2 or 3). Their score is the total rounds completed plus any additional reps.